International Students Program | NSW DE International Education
This program offers students applying for a student visa the opportunity to experience our inclusive school culture, first-class teaching and learning, gain high-level English language skills, and experience an Australian lifestyle. Students may apply to c
시드니에서 6학년을 다니고 싶다며, 한국의 유학원에서 6학년부터 학교 입학전 6개월 영어 코스
(Intensive English Centres 얘기를 하는 것 같다.)를 들어야 한다고 했다며...
오잉? 내가 알기론 6학년까지는 필요없는데요???
정확한 정보를 알려주려 찾아봤습니다.
초등 6학년까지는 입학시 요구하는 영어 성적은 없습니다!
그러고 보니 지난 텀에 울 어린이 교장선생님 호출로(6학년에 한국학생이 딱 2명 있어서)
한국에서 전학오는 3학년 학생과 교장선생님 인터뷰 통역을 해주고 반짝이는 Principal's Award 연필을 들고 왔던데...
(영어로는 잘해줬겠지 >,.< 교장선생님은 오케이...였겠지만, 3학년 한국 어린이... 너도 다 알아들었길 바래요 ㅎㅎㅎ)
영어로 수업하던 환경에서 오는 친구가 아니라면,
전학가는 학교에 한국 학생이 있으면 조금은 도움이 되지 않을까 합니다.
Students applying for direct entry into junior high school (Years 7-10) must provide one of the following:
- an IELTS result (general or academic) of 5.0 overall with only one band being a minimum of 4.5, or an equivalent result in another English language test such as TOEFL iBT, AEAS, Eiken or CEFR
- evidence of studying for a minimum of two years at a school where all subjects, except languages, were taught in English.
Students applying for direct entry into senior high school (Year 11) must provide one of the following:
- an IELTS result (general or academic) of 5.5 overall with only one band being a minimum of 5.0, or an equivalent result in another English language test such as TOEFL iBT, AEAS, Eiken or CEFR
- evidence of studying for a minimum of two years at a school where all subjects, except languages, were taught in English.
Students who cannot demonstrate they have met the minimum English levels for direct entry into high school will be required to enrol in a NSW government schools – Intensive English Centre (IEC), as preparation for studying in a NSW government high school.
There are no English language requirements for entry into primary school (Kindergarten to Year 6).
'교육 > 유학' 카테고리의 다른 글
단기. 관광 비자로 (0) | 2017.07.20 |