Example Naplan test

좋은에너지 2019. 2. 7. 12:07

새학기 첫날 부터 헉 학교에서 나플란 모의 시험을 쳤다네요. ㄱ ㄱ ㅑ ㅇ ㅏ ~~~!!!

나플란 시험, 5월 중순에 계획되어 있고, 다른 시험보다 난이도가 높지 않다는 얘기를 많이 들어서 아직 아무런 준비를 시키지 않았는데 말이죠!!!

갑자기 맘 급해진 엄마 모드 ㅡㅡ;;;

학교에서 친 모의 시험지 나눠주면 좋으련만... 무엇을 틀렸는지 무척 궁금합니다.

흠... 학교에서 본 모의 시험은 무슨 문제인지 모르겠고...

어린이 학교간 틈에 나플란 싸이트에 들어가 나플란 테스트 문제 유형을 찾아냅니다. 푸하하하하하

이따 어린이 학교에서 돌아오면 풀려보고 부족한 점을 찾아 매꿔줘야 겠습니다.

나플란 테스트 예제 문제는 아래 싸이트 참고하세요~!


이 싸이트 들어가시면, 아래처럼 프린트하기 너무 좋게 PDF 파일로 되어 있고 친절하게 답지도 있습니다. ㅋㅋㅋ

Types of questions

The types of test formats and questions are generally familiar to teachers and students across Australia. From 2017, the NAPLAN paper tests will include some new types of questions, such as questions with multiple choices. Students may also be asked to answer questions that require them to look at two reading texts on the same topic.

Two example question booklets are provided, along with the example reading texts, which show the range of question types in the tests.

Note: the above example question booklets are for the purpose of showing question types only. As such there is one suitable for use with Years 3 and 5 students, and one suitable for use with Years 7 and 9 students. However, actual NAPLAN tests for numeracy, reading and language conventions are different for each year level.

Example tests

ACARA also provides example tests so that teachers and students can get a sense of the ‘look and feel’ of the tests and understand what types of questions are asked.

NAPLAN tests are not tests students can cram for. Students should continue developing their literacy and numeracy skills through their school curriculum because the tests contain content identical to what is undertaken in regular classroom learning and assessment.

Year 3 example NAPLAN tests

Example testsAnswers
Year 3 reading - example test (PDF icon 303KB)
Year 3 reading - reading magazine (PDF icon 1.74MB)
Year 3 reading - answers (PDF icon 66KB)
Year 3 language conventions - example test (PDF icon 249KB)Year 3 language conventions - answers (PDF icon 68KB)
Year 3 numeracy - example test (PDF icon 1.52MB)Year 3 numeracy - answers (PDF icon 63KB)
Example NAPLAN writing prompts: City or country (PDF icon 1.47MB), The Box (PDF icon 960KB).
See also information about assessing the writing task.
Note: the writing topic assigned to Years 3 and 5 will differ from the topic assigned to Years 7 and 9. However, the genre (narrative or persuasive) for all years will be the same and all students will be required to produce writing of the same text type.

Year 5 example NAPLAN tests

Example testsAnswers
Year 5 reading - example test (PDF icon 269KB)
Year 5 reading - reading magazine (PDF icon 4.3MB)
Year 5 reading - answers (PDF icon 90KB)
Year 5 language conventions - example test (PDF icon 365KB)Year 5 language conventions - answers (PDF icon 67KB)
Year 5 numeracy - example test (PDF icon 240KB)Year 5 numeracy - answers (PDF icon 64KB)
Example NAPLAN writing prompts: City or country (PDF icon 1.47MB), The Box (PDF icon 960KB).
See also information about assessing the writing task.
Note: the writing topic assigned to Years 3 and 5 will differ from the topic assigned to Years 7 and 9. However, the genre (narrative or persuasive) for all years will be the same and all students will be required to produce writing of the same text type.

Year 7 example NAPLAN tests

Example testsAnswers
Year 7 reading - example test (PDF icon 150KB)
Year 7 reading - reading magazine (PDF icon 4.61MB)
Year 7 reading - answers (PDF icon 85KB)
Year 7 language conventions - example test (PDF icon 144KB)Year 7 language conventions - answers (PDF icon 70KB)
Year 7 numeracy - example test (Part A calculator allowed) 
(PDF icon 1.68MB) 
Year 7 numeracy - example test (Part B non-calculator) 
(PDF icon 330KB)
Year 7 numeracy - answers (PDF icon 99KB)
Example NAPLAN writing prompts: City or country (PDF icon 1.47MB), The Box (PDF icon 960KB).
See also information about assessing the writing task.
Note: the writing topic assigned to Years 7 and 9 will differ from the topic assigned to Years 3 and 5. However, the genre (narrative or persuasive) for all years will be the same and all students will be required to produce writing of the same text type.

Year 9 example NAPLAN tests

Example testsAnswers
Year 9 reading - example test (PDF icon 125KB)
Year 9 reading - reading magazine (PDF icon 808KB)
Year 9 reading - answers (PDF icon 66KB)
Year 9 language conventions - example test (PDF icon 106KB)Year 9 language conventions - answers (PDF icon 70KB)
Year 9 numeracy - example test (Part A calculator allowed) 
(PDF icon 1.41MB)
Year 9 numeracy - example test (Part B non-calculator) 
(PDF icon 340KB)
Year 9 numeracy - answers (PDF icon 98KB)
Example NAPLAN writing prompts: City or country (PDF icon 1.47MB), The Box (PDF icon 960KB).
See also information about assessing the writing task.
Note: the writing topic assigned to Years 7 and 9 will differ from the topic assigned to Years 3 and 5. However, the genre (narrative or persuasive) for all years will be the same and all students will be required to produce writing of the same text type.


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NAPLAN 이란?  (0) 2017.02.16