
Public Speaking for Kids

좋은에너지 2017. 3. 6. 11:30

아... 울 꼬맹이 퍼블릭 스피킹 해야하는데, 

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이제 낼 모레... 닥쳐서 '엄마 도와줘~ 플리즈' 그냥 놔둘까 하다... 에효...

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더... 내용을 더 넣어야...

어린인 학교 가고, 난...열씸히 참고 자료 찾고 있다. T.T

Public speaking tips


Public Speaking Guide For Kids


Public Speaking Tips For Kids – A Checklist

I have listed below the elements the template covers:

  • Topic and Time: Choose something that you are interested in.
  • How long do you have to talk for?
  • Audience: Who will you be talking to and who will be judging.
  • Subject and purpose: What is the aim of your speech – to persuade, inform, entertain, etc. Brainstorm ideas note them down. Note personal stories you can add to make it more interesting.
  • Research: Not just internet, newspapers, magazines, library, family friends etc.
  • Structure: Ask yourself the question – ‘At the end of the speech I would like my audience to…….
  • Beginning: Brief, capture the attention of the audience and establish the subject and purpose of the speech. Don’t just restate the topic. Add your personality and make it unique, many others may be talking on the same topic.
  • Middle: Sets out your ideas, shares your research, includes examples to support your topic. For your time limit work out how many points / paragraphs you can include. Work on having a powerful statement to lead into each new point / paragraph.
  • End: Short statement relating back to the topic and sums up the subject and purpose of the speech. Make it brief, but memorable. Try including a memorable line that the audience can take away with them. Memorise your conclusion, so your last couple of sentences can be delivered with confidence and with full eye contact with the audience.
  • Practice: By yourself first. Time it and edit your content so it first with the time restraints.
  • Palm Cards: Then make palm cards for key points only. Keep cards to a minimum and number them.
  • Dress rehearsal: Practice using palm cards, first by yourself, then either in front of family or even video your self.

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